Whispers of the past
Whispers of the past « Sherry A. Burton
Sherry A. Burton
About Author
Born October 18th, Sherry was raised in the small town of Fairdale, a suburb of Louisville, Kentucky Since eloping with her now husband in Tennessee in the wee hours of the morning on December 30, 1980, Sherry has lived in Kentucky, California, South Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania Living in different areas and meeting new people from vastly different regions has been a unique gift she is grateful for Sherry and her husband have three children and seven grandchildren Sherry got her start in writing by pledging to write a happy ending to a good friend who was going through some really tough times The story surprised her by taking over and practically writing itself What started off as a way to make her friend smile started her on a journey that would forever change her life Sherry readily admits to hearing voices, and is convinced that being married to her best friend for thirty plus years goes a long way in helping her write happily ever afters Sherry s novels include Tears of Betrayal the story that started it all , Somewhere in My Dreams previously titled The Scars between Us , The King of My Heart, Surviving the Storm, book 1 of The Storm Trilogy, That Feeling Always Faithful, Seems like Yesterday, and the newly released Love in the Bluegrass Whispers of the Past a short story is only available on e book Sherry writes children s books under the name Sherry A Jones.Sherry currently resides in Michigan s Thumb and spends most of her time writing from her home office, and traveling to book and signing events Sherry greatly enjoys traveling to schools where she shares her books and love of writing.
Sherry A. Burton